Thursday, August 12, 2004

About DaHolyGrail

This blog is about the various metaphors found in everyday media (i.e. shows, animation, movies, video games, etc.). When good writers write stories, they don't just write anything that comes to their head, but instead they write about what life has taught them. They project their own brand of spiritual wisdom into the stories they write. It is this wisdom that gives depth to their stories. Writers are prophets. The truths these prophets convey are a reflection of the writer. Be careful though, not all prophets are righteous. There are many false prophets out there as well.

If the writer is virtuous then the story will teach virtues (i.e. The Bulletproof Monk). If the writer is viceful then the story will teach vices (i.e. Dogma).

"The Holy Grail" stands represents the spirituality found in all movies (i.e. The movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). Remember, while the true grail will bring you life, the false grail will take life from you. It is up to you to determine what forms of media hold the true grail and what forms of media are the false grail.

By the way, I used 'Da' instead of 'The' because TheHolyGrail was already taken, go fig.


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